Sunday 30 October 2016

Rebecca with America Part 3

Paul Getty Museum:
Museums are cool plus sometimes boring as well. This museum did not fail to surprise me with its architecture, the things they got there inside and the environment. Paul Getty was a collector of art and antiquities and so this whole museum has got only his collection from very olden times, say 1600s or even older than that. Every piece of art had its description written beside it which I tried to understand but there was no way I could get it into my mind. The paintings about the prophets, religions, holy books, antique furniture etc. were really eye catching. The only thing I was worried about was I was going with all men only, my uncles, my brother and father. I did not really get bore as I thought I would be but I sure was stuck between my brother and father in back seat of car. :/  and the good thing about this place is my pictures here came really nice ;)
They have different kinds of plants there. One of them was hydrophobic, which does not take water and it seemed insane to me. 

Disney Land:
Now this is the place everyone adoressss! There are very few places which are loved by both older and younger people and Disney land is one of them. It’s a whole new world in there where I could not help imagining myself living in those princessy castles and leading a life of fantasy. There were some very cute rides leaving very beautiful surprises for you inside. It takes about two days to visit both the parks of Disney land but we managed to see both the parks in one day with not going on all the rides. We left for this place at 8 o’ clock in the morning and spent a whole tiring day till 10 pm. The sun there was so hot all day and the worst part was the waiting lines on each ride were for about either 45 minutes or even 90 minutes or more than that so we had to wait in lines under this bad scorching heat of sun and after waiting for such big time, we only get to enjoy the ride of hardly 5 minutes. The best part of this place was the electrical parade which happens in the night time. Oh my God! I cannot describe how beauuuutiful it was to watch all the Disney characters dressed in their colorful lighted outfits. I bet if you go there you might never would want to come back from there. Disney Land gave us a farewell with the most amazing fireworks I had ever experienced in my life. I thought this was going to be the only place I enjoyed throughout my trip unless I went Universal Studios.

Universal Studios:
This place is like a dream come true where you get to see everything behind the scenes and you realize how deceptive the TV is, yet everything looks so damn real. The first small world I was excited to go in was the Harry Potter land. There were so many thrilling rides and everything there was made so so so real that I would have died to live there in Hogwarts. So there this was a ride called Harry Potter and the forbidden journey. It sounded so exciting to me and the ride had recently started in that time. What happened next was I never expected from myself. I never ever close my eyes no matter how scary the 3D rides are but this! Oh, my God! They literally made you feel like you are flying in the air on your broom with Potter and his friends. I squinted my eyes throughout the ride. I did not enjoy the ride with my eyes totally open. I let my cap slip a little so that the brim comes before my eyes and I can tell everyone that I couldn’t see anything because of the fast motion of the seats, my cap slipped down. Smart huh! :D Mostly the rides there were 3D and worth the fun. One more awesome experience I had there was the Jurassic Falls ride. The ride was slow and steady and beautiful all the way but when ended…Dude! I dare you to go on that ride. :D


Griffith Observatory Park:
This is a perfect place if you want to witness a beautiful sunset. I had never experienced such beautiful sunset in my life. The view of Hollywood sign and seeing the closing of the day is all you would ask at that time. Griffith Observatory is all about Science and Physics and Chemistry and all the subjects that you might have hated in schools. There a show takes place every night where they show and tell you how the world came into being, how much efforts did it take to a number of scientists to explore the world and how the world is still expanding. They made us show the Jupiter planet through their some very complex telescope. There sure was a circular yellowish-orange thing up there in the sky but God knows if it really was Jupiter.
There were so many things there that brought back horrible memories of my school and college. Worst of them was seeing not-so-fun Periodic Table.

We paid a two days visit to Dallas as well. I would say Dallas is the American Islamabad. Not much crowd, no street lights because people want their privacy and no traffic and total silence. Dallas was fun but not as much as LA. J

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