Wednesday 15 February 2017

Seasonal fun!


Cozy nights, hot coffee, soft blanket sum up the winter season.
Winters are mostly much awaited because in winters we do not get rid of our daily routines but we are somehow relaxed and do not get any mood swings which usually happen during extreme hot weather and people go crazy. In Pakistan, in Sindh especially, winter season to us citizens is like villagers spotting an aero plane and jumping with joy. Winter season is expected to be started in the end of November and ends by almost the mid of January.

Like any other thing, winter also has its charms and somewhat repulsiveness as well for some people. With the arrival of winters, come so many little joys with huge excitement. People enjoy bonfire late nights and no matter how late it gets, they are never in mood to give up the warm fire and go early to beds.  As the excitement grows, we don’t fail to make the most of our favorite season. Only the smell of hot peanuts can arouse us and what makes us more exciting is buying lots and lots of them. Besides moong phali, all the other dry fruits are also eaten with much interest to keep ourselves warm enough. Coffee, however, is one of the most favorite drinks of people in winters. It’s loved and enjoyed by everyone. Coffee gives its true essence in cold nights only and not in the daytime. When people are in a joyous mood, they go for a cup of coffee and offer others as well. Among foods, oranges, soups, chocolates and honey are also loved because whatever gives us warmth in such breezy nights are considered the most pleasurable part of life. However, out of all the foods and drinks mentioned above, I am only fond of eating soups. People call me mad for not going crazy for coffee though. 

Winters are surely loved by everyone but there are some drawbacks of it as well. The gloomiest and the most evil point of winters is you have to wake up early in the morning and leave your comforting position only to face the worldly problems all day. What troubles to me in winters is dryness. No matter how ample amount of moisturizers or lotions or crèmes I apply, dryness just wouldn’t go. Also, one of the things I love about this season is you don’t have to worry about the electricity load shedding; you sit there carelessly without fan working as long as its winter only.

Winter days and nights are enjoyed and welcomed whole-heartedly but even before it ends, we get terrified only by thinking about summers and our oozing sweats. We are finally going to say farewell to our adored season and wait for it until next time.

Hope you had your winters well. 

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