Sunday 24 April 2016

The Reflection of our Society.

Oh weep!
By Zain Hyder Shah

The grief made me deaf;
oh! how can I handle those weeps;
Why are you crying?
Because I am not able to fill the basic needs;
Yes my family weeps;
Oh! look there go and beg;
No I don't want to be thief;
Hey listen please;
Give me your hand;
Help me please;
Hey wait a bit ;
First I have to see my ease;
I will die;
Its okay, they will not ask;
But I will die, Help me please;
No body care for your deeds;
I am in pain, see my old skin;
Don't look at me like this;
Your tears are not worthy; please!
Oh I am missing you God;
Come in their hearts please.