Thursday 28 April 2016

How to raise a child.

Veiled but real

 By Rebecca Ursani
Raising a child is not only about giving birth, growing them up, providing them with all the luxuries, basic necessities and good education and get them married. Bringing up the child is no less than an art. It’s a job that not everyone parent can do smoothly. 

When you bring your baby in this world and welcome him/her in your life, you make a self-promise and to your child as well that you will do your best to give your kid a good and a blissful life and that you will prove yourselves as the ideal parents so that when your child grows up he or she realizes how lucky it is to have parents like you. Unfortunately, some of the parents fail to come up with their own expectations. 

What a grown up actually demands?
Parents of course are very much concerned about their kids and their life and future but somewhere at some point they lack the support they are supposed to give their child. An infant is the attention seeker the whole time and luckily gets successful in becoming the center of attention but when it grows up, parents have no time to listen to their hearts. They don’t give an effort to know what is bothering their kid and think their child is thinking on some very futile matter. A grown up kid needs someone in its family who understand his/her problems and with whom he/she can share feelings and the matters that are bothering him/her. What happens is when they doesn’t get any good response or when they have no one to hear them from their family, they seek for someone outside their family on whom they can count and a shoulder to cry on. The results of being ignorant towards their child can lead him/her to depression and committing some serious self-destruction.
Let your child express its ideas. 
It is mostly experienced by the younger ones in the family that they are not supposed to involve themselves in the family matters or some serious sort of issues. They are forbidden to speak and share their ideas in the matters they think can be solved to a little extent. They are considered trifling and stupid enough to raise their voice in the elderly matters. If you don’t let your child speak in their own home then they will never be able to speak up in their social life and would never be able to step forward in their life confidently. 

Don’t pamper your child.

It is good that you take care of your child’s every need and it is even better that you guide them whenever they go off the target. But it is not commendable that you fulfill their every illicit need and support them whenever they stumble. Loving them unconditionally and giving your whole time to your kid does not necessarily mean you are not going to leave your child alone anywhere. Despite the fact that you adore them, they will never be able to polish themselves on their own. When they will step into their practical life, they will feel like a dummy gazing at the long way to head. They will not know how to recover from a small wound, how to cope up with the problems actively and how not to rely on anyone.

Do not impose your decisions on your grown-ups.

It is true that parents are worried and bother about their children at every stage of life but it is not appreciable to impose their ideas and decisions over their children because if they do so, their child might just act upon their decision but he/she will never be able to accept it with the bottom of its heart which means he/she will never be wholly interested in what his/her parents have chosen for them. Be it the education, job, marriage or whatever. Because if anything wrong happens with them they will surely blame their parents for not letting them decide their own path.

Let your child explore the world.

Take some time out of your busy routine and make your child knowledgeable about almost everything. Answer their questions patiently and properly and get their minds clear regarding the problems that are vague in their mind. Take them to the places they have always wanted to see or get them informed everything about the place. This is the way their minds will get sharp and their observation will be getting better and better.

P.S. I am not a parent and the above suggestions are written just by observing. 
J Good luck to the parents to be!