Sunday 24 April 2016

Life of Colors!

Unnoticed but colorful.
By Rebecca Ursani

There are certain things in our life that go unnoticed. In fact, every least of all thing in this world is not useless, they are useful in way or the other. One of those things that we experience in our daily life but do not give it much importance at time, is the colors.
This might sound a little useless and lame to you but if you scrutinize everything your life is revolving around, you will be a better observer and a successful person.

As there are many aspects and different angles of every object, colors also have good and not appealing aspects. Let me tell you how and how many. Colors are something everyone is familiar with, not even an infant can ignore the colorful objects. Colors are attractive and unattractive at same time. 

If we start counting the colors, we will not reach the end of the list of colors because there are uncountable beautiful colors. As colors are thought to be stunning to some people, the same colors horrify some people. Chromo phobia is the fear of colors in which people are afraid of certain colors and avoid to see those colors. For instance, red color reflects the image of blood or danger, yellow is thought to be the sign of danger by getting stung by a bee or burning in scorching heat under the light of yellow sun, black color involves the sign of mourning and death to someone and on and on.

Now, colors in chromo phobia have also a special value that every color’s fear is known by a particular name, for orange, chrysophobia, for black, melano phobia, for yellow, xantho phobia, for red it is erythro phobia and so on. If we talk about flowers, every flower is given the importance according to its respective color. Red is the flower of love, pink is the color of appreciation, white is the color of spirituality and yellow flower if the sign of friendship. However, not all people believe on the significance of colored flowers. 

How about talking about clothes? Clothes, especially by women are wore accordingly and also are matched with the seasons and weather. Light colors are preferred in the summer seasons like light blue, pink, lemon yellow etc. and dark colors are wore in the winter seasons. At times age is also affected by the colors. Aged people do not fancy to wear vibrant colors and are limited to the light and elegant shades. Parallel to that, the young people are livelier and want to try every color on them or just the dark colors as per their choices.

Clothes are often wore according to the moods also. If you are upset you would most likely to wear black, when you are happy you would want to look like a happening person by putting on darker shades, if you want to seeking attention then you would prefer red and if you are feeling like all relaxed and pretty, you would wear beautiful pink.

 Colors are actually used according to the situations also to express the feelings. For mourning someone’s death, black is used, for expressing love and gratitude, red is used, for showing peace white is used and so on. Different religions have also the different values of different colors. For example, red in Hinduism is the color of happiness and purity whereas, for Buddhist devout, red is the color of danger and fire.

Islam is known as the Green religion for it is said that it was the favorite color of the last prophet (P.B.U.H) and that is why it is avoided by a number of families. They are not supposed to use any object that is green. Along with green, there are many other colors which are forbidden for many people with different beliefs. In Hinduism, blue is the color of bravery and manliness because their lords are seen with the blue faces always. While in Judaism, blue is the color of spirituality. Blue is mostly used in Judaism religion for that reminds the people of blue sky and their god above the sky. 

When talking about religions, why leave the nationality behind? Yes, the national flags’ colors are also the symbol of one or the other thing. For instance, American flag colors represent the white for purity, blue for justice and red for hardiness. The Pakistan flag’s green color represents the religion of Islam and the white stripe shows the other religions in minorities. The flag of India has got three colors which reflect the orange color for courage and sacrifice, white for purity and green for prosperity.

The cherry on the top is that colors are also used in idioms to describe your situation i.e. golden opportunity, the green light, have the blues, in the red, white lie and so many more.

When seeing anything colorful makes the mood cheerful and  joyous and that is the reason rainbow also has seven different colors in it to show that there will be no rain after this, no more destruction and no more wetness. Talking about colors bringing joy, Holi festival celebrated by Hindus is most commonly known as the festival of colors which brings people close to each other and make them ridiculously colorful. The reason of enjoying Holi with various colors is the victory of good or evil in the history of Hindu religion.

Ever wondered so many aspects of colors?

Have a colorful life!


  1. Amazing! You gave a new angle to our minds. Now we see colours as you defined :) Very good A budding blogger!

  2. Do not say thanks, you deserve it :)

  3. This is really informative, many of us lack the ability to know the actual value/meaning of colours. And after reading this I get a lot know about the colours :)

  4. Very informative, i never thought in this way. Keep it up
