Tuesday 31 January 2017

Monthly feelings.

January 2017.

Years passing by and so is life speeding. Another new year to make the most of it so why not try making every month beautiful in every little manner.

It has been only a month of 2017 and I have already started feeling some hard challenges coming my way. I had expected January to be polite to me as it was in the beginning but as soon as this month came to an end, it showed me its real face. Life is not always sweet like chocolates and soft like roses; sometimes the chocolate turns out to be unpleasant to us and roses sting us thorns unknowingly.

What I accomplished in this month was:
1. I stopped complaining to Allah about things that bother me but I did not stop praying. I still need a lot of motivations to have leaving everything upon Allah and stay relieved, but that just doesn’t help. Staying calm and live a stress free life is just not my thing.

2. I have become somehow a fast reader. I completed three novel stories in this month and this is a huge achievement for me because I was never this a good reader. The three books were The Floating Girl by Sujata Massey, The Naked Face and Bloodline by Sidney Sheldon.

3. I got a best friend in my home, in my family. I don’t know what the barriers were but I couldn’t build a sister-sister or sister-brother relationship within us siblings. I always wanted someone who could stay next to me and listen to my secrets or problems. And I finally found one this month, that is, my dearest Bhabhi.

Overall, January was not that bad to me. I had more a fun-filled and less a depressing one. I hope your January was also as good as mine or may be even better and I pray that the next months may also brighten up our lives. Looking forward to a not so frantic but a favorable February. :) 

Monday 23 January 2017

Facing the harsh reality.

Hypocrisy, Negativity and Pessimism.

What comes in your mind when you think of today’s modern era? You’ll know the answer by the end of this blog, hopefully. A couple of days ago, I took out some time for myself and as I wonder what to think even before thinking about something; my mind swirled around and stopped at a very strange point that is, why am I such a pessimist person. I have never in my life gotten answer of this but guess what, I have transformed myself into an optimistic person quite a little.
Today I want to write about why there is so much negativity and hatred in our society and how possibly we can terminate all of the negativity from ourselves as well as from our surroundings.

Hypocrisy is what you call backbiting in its ordinary sense. This act has become very common these days that it does no more seem a sinful act to us. Hypocrisy is, according to me, a contagious disease that spreads person by person and I don’t understand what inner satisfaction people get by being a hypocrite. The main reason of playing a hypocrite game is that people often want to show themselves as a very good and innocent person but in real they are like a poisonous snake which when stings, causes death. The second reason is people do this in order to favor someone or they do buttering so that their favorite people do not get their attentions diverted of them. Among these factors count uneducation, nepotism, jealousy etc. which lead people towards hypocrisy which further leads to negativity and the cycle goes on. Negativity, in turn, proceeds to pessimism.

Talking about negativity: it has a negative impact on everyone and everything like an electron possess a negative charge on it but is still important in its own role. Likewise, today our society has become so mean that very few people think about others’ happiness. Caring about others is so rare that it puts a person almost in doubt that there must be some selfishness behind his/her good deed. Generous acts are rather taken suspicious and are often not fruitful. We get negative vibes from people who try to be more polite to us or show their virtuousness and misunderstand people who actually are intended to harm us but pretend to be the sweetest ones. That’s what lacks in most of us, the ability to identify the right and wrong and the fake and real people.
A month ago I was thinking if all the rape cases in Pakistan do actually occur or is it just the media that puts forward such cases and spoils the public’s mindsets about their own country. I think the more media presents such horrifying cases to the world, the more these cases get stronger and increase day by day. This is what I would declare spreading negativity and not having control over it. We need to reduce this.
Coming towards pessimism, as I wrote above that pessimism takes birth from negativity. Being a pessimistic person is equal to living a dead life, having no hopes, no sparks in life, no sunshine in life, nothing. What is the use of living such life? Why do we always forget that whatever has meant to be, it will happen and our hopeless thoughts are not going to change anything, whether good or bad. I used to be a person like this but not anymore. I try to live a tension free life and am always looking for solutions of problems that trouble me instead of weeping over senseless matters like before.
My aim of writing all about this was that there are many major issues that we come across daily in our lives but are passed unnoticed, should also be given a thought and that we all could work on reducing these troubles in one way or the other.

Stay happy and spread happiness.