Friday 1 July 2016

You are never you.

I am me, I love myself, I can’t change, this is the way I am, love me or leave me, accept me the way I am is just talking big. None of the sentences does anyone really mean while stating. It is just either they are over confident about themselves or do not trust themselves at all.

We are most of the time struggling with our own selves as to what we actually are, what personality we possess and what do we aim for. Those who cannot recognize themselves, opt for abandoning their homes and all their property and belongings just to find who they really are or rather prefer spending time in isolation to figure out who are they and what they want. This is total madness. Because there is no way you can identify yourself. The one who is living your life is you, the one who performs daily life activities depending upon moods is you, the one who is dealing with different people and numerous problems of your life with different methods depending upon the situation is you and nobody else. You keep changing in your life at every mode, every day and every step.

People find difficulty in choosing the way of their life, the way they want to treat people and the way they want to be treated, pretending to like someone when they are not really fancying them, acting to be one who they do not want to be because oh! they have to please their favorite person, appearing to be in agreement with the decisions their loved ones take knowing that they will never get along with those decisions. An average person plays different roles in life like a parent, sibling, friend merely but, it is very lesser observed that we play so many more roles beside these such as a happy man, grumpy mood, selfish mode and other such uncanny roles. Like a sky appears to be in different shades when the sun goes into hibernation, human being also goes through certain pigmentation upon his life. 

As we grow up and step out experiencing adventures of the world and witnessing God’s creativity, we undergo changes in our self as the water never stops its motion and is glistened when the light is reflected upon it, similarly we vary constantly unknowingly. 

Personality can never be incarcerated; it flies and grows like a dragon. 


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  3. Incredible thoughts! Rebecca your writings are becoming very mature and you are emerging as a great social thinker. Best of luck :)
