Tuesday 4 July 2017

My mind speaks.

It is a beautiful evening for some but for me it’s the night that I have to urge to embrace me and sing me its most melodious lullaby to sleep by.

Its 11:20 at night and here I am sitting cross legged on the chair in the kitchen having laptop opened in front of me and I am totally blank, wondering what to type. I look at the curtain against the window floating in the air gusts, I look at the blue lighted timing of microwave showing 0: 00 just like my life goals, I listen to tick-tock of the clock and think how punctual the time is of itself. It doesn’t wait for anyone, doesn’t pity on anyone, heals the unbearable wounds of people and brings light to them. I cannot think of writing anything specific but my inside tells me to write and let the world know how unspecific and a confused personality I am.

I feel like my confidence shattered. Not having a single person to share your thoughts with, makes you feel useless, unworthy and what not! My life has been lacking motivation since the beginning and now is the time I have at last stopped hunting for it. I have become the person who is just letting the flow take me wherever it leads. ‘The reason I jump’ by Naoki Higashida lying in front me is about the people with autism and the read of it gives me the feel that not only autistic people but the normal people who do have the ability to communicate, fail to do so; fail to express what’s going on in their minds, what is it that only runs in the mind but loses the path to mouth. Just like me.

It is never too late to realize your ambitions but it is always late until you don’t pursue them. I wait for the time I realize mine and I wish all those people who can relate the above stuff written; we all go through all the not-so-hard-but-complicated stages of our lives.