Tuesday 4 July 2017

My mind speaks.

It is a beautiful evening for some but for me it’s the night that I have to urge to embrace me and sing me its most melodious lullaby to sleep by.

Its 11:20 at night and here I am sitting cross legged on the chair in the kitchen having laptop opened in front of me and I am totally blank, wondering what to type. I look at the curtain against the window floating in the air gusts, I look at the blue lighted timing of microwave showing 0: 00 just like my life goals, I listen to tick-tock of the clock and think how punctual the time is of itself. It doesn’t wait for anyone, doesn’t pity on anyone, heals the unbearable wounds of people and brings light to them. I cannot think of writing anything specific but my inside tells me to write and let the world know how unspecific and a confused personality I am.

I feel like my confidence shattered. Not having a single person to share your thoughts with, makes you feel useless, unworthy and what not! My life has been lacking motivation since the beginning and now is the time I have at last stopped hunting for it. I have become the person who is just letting the flow take me wherever it leads. ‘The reason I jump’ by Naoki Higashida lying in front me is about the people with autism and the read of it gives me the feel that not only autistic people but the normal people who do have the ability to communicate, fail to do so; fail to express what’s going on in their minds, what is it that only runs in the mind but loses the path to mouth. Just like me.

It is never too late to realize your ambitions but it is always late until you don’t pursue them. I wait for the time I realize mine and I wish all those people who can relate the above stuff written; we all go through all the not-so-hard-but-complicated stages of our lives.

Monday 1 May 2017

Labor day.

What nice is the day of 1st May, when people who are already living under a cool roof are privileged with a holiday and the real labors who wring the blood and sweat out of their bodies to provide us a luxurious life have no holiday on this day!

Labor’s day is counted amongst the most prominent days in history when labors around the world got their rights after so many protests and so much blood shedding. I had this book done reading by Maxim Gorky on revolutionary workers, The Mother. It’s an expensive treasure to be explored for those who are interested in getting the history uncovered. This book sums up the story that dates back to 1906 in Russia that how a mother and his son, together with his friends fight for the rights of proletariat. Government in every country has always been against youngsters’ rightful acts but the youth in this book stood up to their once taken decisions and did not give up for what was right.

It was a surprise to me that on a platform like social media where even the most useless days re celebrated and enjoyed, labors day is given no such importance. Not for once did I come across any post of appreciation for labors this whole day and it is a shame that we proudly announce Labor Day holiday and give not a single thought of who are the labors, how they deserve to be treated and that we should be thanking them all the time.

My mom always used to tell me that we are all labors. We all go to jobs, to schools for learning and that every person who works is a labor. I don’t know if she is true or not but I know this that labors in our country are not given the status they deserve, at least on this international labor day. One day, hopefully, they will be rewarded for their extreme hard work and services and the fact that they are irreplaceable is what nobody can deny.

Sunday 2 April 2017

She wasn't herself.

She was easy to understand, they never did.

She was older than they thought she would be.
She was weaker than they thought she could be.
She was stronger than that they had never thought.

She was a figure build of sensitivity;
but lesser did people know, she could even fight herself.

As she lay on bed at night;
she wet herself with tears of all day.
As she tosses and turns at bed;
she heals her wounds by silent praying.

She was capable of everything that they thought she wasn’t.
She was incapable of that they thought she was.

Out she glowed with happiness;
but inside she was hollow.

She sought for a bond like the blood ones;
in the strangers, neglected by her own family.
She searched for people who understood her
but the unreliable society wouldn’t let her do.

She was thirsty of love and affection;
not for the worldly things but for the true meaningful relationships.
She was lucky enough to be blessed with everything;
but unlucky to not having the valuable bonds.

Her whole life seemed a mistake to her
and couldn’t find any way to improve the rest.
They never let her take decisions on her own;
they never appreciated for obeying them.

She was mistaken all her life;
her worth was never realized by them.

Friday 31 March 2017

Unique places in Qasimabad.

Qasimabad's highlights.

Qasimabad is blessed with its own beauty and the beauty here is enhanced by some unique places that play a good role in recognizing the Qasimabad area.

Three of those places are: Rani Bagh, Sindh Museum and Khanabadosh writers café.

Rani bagh:
Rani bagh is the very famous and only zoo in Hyderabad which is situated in Qasimabad at Wadhu wa road. This place gets crowded mostly on special occasions when a massive number of people from interior come and enjoy their time here. Queen garden locally known as Rani Bagh is said to be the oldest garden opened in 1861 as only a botanical garden but later on the animals were moved in so it turned out to be a zoo as well as a garden. It’s kind of a shock to me that I had never gone there for even once in my childhood. As far as I remember; the first ever time that I paid a visit there was when I was assigned to make an investigation report of that place. The cherry on the top is, I didn’t had to spend a single penny there to have fun because I with my team were welcomed there and were allowed to take as much fun as we wanted after we were done with our work. 
Rani bagh, though, now lacks some of the animals because of the less budget they get from government but still families and children come there to spend their quality time.


Sindh Museum:

This museum is located at the delightful locale of Hyderabad, the second largest city of the province which was founded by the famous ruler of his time, Ghulam Shah Kalhoro in 1768.
The museum features the history and heritage of old Indus valley civilization. The museum is a perfect place for history students to get awareness of history and ancient heritage of Pakistan. The best work of art and craft are displayed in beautiful colors, which leave strong positive impacts on minds of the visitors. The whole museum depicts a real and vivid picture of Sindhi society. The beautiful designs of Sindhi embroidery on dresses bed sheets and cushions look amazing. The Sindh Museum serves especially to those who want awareness about the culture and society of Sindh. The museum has also established a gallery where contribution and works of some eminent personalities have been displayed.


Khanda Badosh writers’ café.

This café was founded by Amar Sindhu a well known writer, activist and dean of Philosophy department at University of Sindh. This café is located at the front of Mumtaz Mirza auditorium. The essence of this café is very much natural and occupied with green trees and lawn. The founder of this place conducted many seminars and concerts there. It is unique because of its natural ambiance, name and the figures which visit it. Mostly study circles of students have been conducted there and reader’s loves to come there and read books with the good cup of tea. The books of Sindhi literature are also present there, the small library consist writings of Sheikh Ayaz and Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai enhance the beauty of this small and beautiful café. The literary activities of this café makes it unique and worthy to be said as one of the best cafes of Hyderabad.

Sunday 19 March 2017

Problems encountered by residents of my area.

Road to peaceful home or annoyance?

The life of local people has become very messy particularly in Sindh and it’s because of the careless people and the irresponsible administration of the developed city Hyderabad. We are encircled by a number of problems and often times we can’t even figure out the solution to those problems. Now, every residential area has got many flaws that bother the residents.
In my region I face a few problems and not only me but the other residents as well. Firstly, my area has turned into a commercial zone. Previously, there were few shops outside my colony and because of that there was no such rush of people and also there was no heavy traffic there, but now since the apartments have constructed and number of restaurants and shops have increased it seems like a total commercial area occupied with estate agencies, beauty parlors and other shops. This has transformed a peaceful place to the loudest zone. The developing authorities of government must not transform a residential area to a commercial region. Before that change we did not have to go through crowd and we could walk easily but now it doesn’t look good to pass by this much crowd, also, it causes a lot of traffic block and since the car workshop that stands the cars out of their portions, it blocks much of the road.


The biggest of them is a problem of the filthy Wadhu wah, which I am sure, is a trouble for all residents who live beside it. The Wadhu Wah has become a signature of a filthy environment throughout the Qasimabad. Mainly the gateway of Hyderabad is Wadhu Wah, people of other cities travel through the road beside Wadhu Wah to enter in the city. The first impression of passer-by is negative and this really disturbs me because I am a native of this city.

Thirdly, the road that leads to our colony is much damaged. It’s not smooth and is very bumpy causing problem to some of the people who have back aches. The slop which connects the main road to my colony is also in a bad condition, and we faces troubles while driving. It’s been a long time that this road has not mended by anyone and since nobody dares to speak to the responsible person. The administration and local development authorities must show their sincere responsibility to ensure the residents that the budget they get from government has been utilized in a proper manner.

These are three of the problems of my area and I hope these complaints may remain no more complaints soon.

Tuesday 28 February 2017

Love travelling.

Love for Dubai. 


It was the month of November, 2015 when my family planned to travel to Dubai to which in no time we got our visas and I was all set to explore not only the world of Arabs but to discover myself also. Now as Dubai was the first foreign country I was travelling to, it was also the first time I was going to travel in an airplane and I was super excited for that.

The first to-do was to overcome the fear of an aero plane. The funny thing to me was that we got our seat numbers in the tail of the plane and there are chances that vomiting happens in that portion of the plane when it takes off. So I was already prepared with the paper bag in my hand if in case I vomit. The take-off had my stomach tickling and of course my ears closed until I swallow repeatedly.

When we landed the Dubai airport, I was startled at looking how huge it was. Before arriving at the airport I never knew it is the busiest international airport. My trip was of five days only and I wished if I could stay longer but anything that lasts more than the limited period, it becomes boring even if you love it with all your heart.

UAE, undoubtedly, is a fantastic country but only with artificial beauty. The architecture is breath taking and almost all the Arabic buildings resemble each other because they have the outer structure like a fat tummy. Burj-al-Arab is one of those buildings whose stomach is just a little bit out but it doesn’t look more fat and awkward. On the contrary, Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world and the prettiest. Its height is 829.8 meter long and has 163 floors.

I cannot talk about all the attractions in Dubai because Dubai as a whole is an attraction itself where tourists from all around the globe travel here and spend their most amazing part of life. Out of all the places I traveled, I cannot decide which one was the best and I surely missed a lot of gorgeous places because of the short span of time.

Our first and one of the nicest tourist spots was dinner at cruise. There is a sea where all the cruises stand in a queue and when the boat is almost fully occupied with the customers, the boat starts moving and meanwhile we start having our meals. It’s a really beautiful time spent having food while the boat is running and you feel like you are shooting a movie scene.

Another place that was the most happening was Desert Safari. So far the most hilarious and stupendous experience of my life. They take us on a tour of whole desert. The sand mounds are so high that it seems dangerous to even imagine going on a ride. But once you are in your jeep, you cannot help laughing because it tickles a lot, going up and down and up again on such a bumpy ride. The jeeps’ tires are air loosened before starting the ride so that the jeep become jumpy and easily drivable. Those who have the fear of heights can avoid taking this ride because this can be proved as injurious to them. After we were done with fun riding, we were guided to our camps where a number of stalls were available. Desert Safari has a number of entertainments for its audience. There happens a fire show in which the man literally plays with fire and everyone is taken aback with his brave and fearless stunts. Then comes the Tanoura dance. This dance resembles Sufi dance where the dancers just swirl and swirl and swirl without stumbling even once. The dancers have colorful and lit costumes which become more attractive when they swirl.

The last and most memorable day was spent in Abu Dhabi which is just an hour drive from Dubai. Abu Dhabi is not much fun and exciting as Dubai but we went to two places; Ferrari world and Shaikh Zayd mosque. Out of all the rides in Ferrari world, Formula Rossa, the world’s fastest roller coaster had me swaddled in its speed. Before riding this roller coaster I had never in my life ever rode any ride but this. A coward like me would have never preferred such dangerous ride but I don’t know what just strike me and I went for it without any second thought.

Throughout our holiday, we kept losing our touch with each other because there were two families and each travelled in two separate cars. Just remember, whenever you go for a vacation with a heavy number of people, make sure you stay in contact and have at least one sim card with each family so that nobody loses their track of someone or somewhere.

I missed more than half of the Dubai but those five days trip is worth reminiscing. UAE is off my bucket list now. Hope you go there some day too.

Sad Feb.


What seems good at the outer side, may be corrupted from inside and so was this February. We had never thought this February would bring so many sorrows and so many despairs to a thousands of people. Where people were happy on celebrating 14th February with their loved ones, more than half of the population of Pakistan was mourning the deaths of the beloveds.

This month, this time, this year brought us so many bad memories and so much uncertainty in life that we no longer feel ourselves secure anywhere. Eleven blasts in a month! What can be more depressing than knowing that besides all these heart wrecking incidents, I heard across so many more accidents in my own university? One of them was this lovely girl who was smashed under a bus and lost the battle of her life in front of the door of knowledge, library. Her blood stains have not yet completely faded from the road which keeps reminding me of how uncertain the life is. You never know where the death angel is following you and when you turn around you meet the end of your life.

February has left a bad mark on its name, which I think can never be washed away. February in the name of all the Martyrs.
We can hope our rest of the year goes safe and happy for everyone.